This document contains the terms and conditions of use of the Fluxmed Platform, which belongs to the CORE CONSULTORIA E SERVICES LTDA., CNPJ/MF under nº 05.490.544/0001-00, located at SIG QUADRA 1, 385, room 404, Zona Industrial, CEP: 70.610-410, Brasília/DF (Core Consulting). This document is accession by the Contractor identified through the Fluxmed Platform when creating your registration (Contractor).

THE Contractor and the Core Consulting, whenever referred to together, for the purposes of this accession document, they will be designated as “Parties” or, individually, as a “Party”, and agree, in good faith and with free will, as follows.

Preliminarily, considering that:

The Parties declare that they agree and accept, in good faith and free will, the Terms and Conditions of Use of the FLuxmed platform, in accordance with this document, which mutually grant and accept:


  1. This document is intended to determine the conditions and terms of use of the Fluxmed Platform and the obligations of the Parties whose purpose includes:
  1. Included in the subscription price, services linked to the object of the Document and provided by Core Consulting will be the following:
  1. The Parties declare and recognize that the patient is the protagonist of their own health and the holder of their personal data and sensitive personal data, and may or may not revoke consent to access their information.    


2.1. A Core Consulting is responsible for:

  1. Observe the terms and uses of this document, maintain the availability and quality of the Platform.
  2. Keep user manuals up to date.
  3. Invest in constant technological developments in favor of digital health.
  4. In the event of cancellation or extinction of the Document, for any reason, the Core Consulting is obliged to maintain the Platform available to Contractor, with read-only access to data, for a period of 30 (thirty) days so that the Contractor can proceed in compliance with the Law no. 13,787/2018 which deals with the digitization and use of computerized systems for the custody, storage and handling of patient records.
  5. Notify the Contractor in the case of a security incident within 48 (forty-eight) hours of becoming aware of the incident and providing the necessary clarifications related to the incident to the Contractor.
  6. Maintain the timely issuance of electronic Invoices, referring to the subscription for use of the Contractor.

Inform by email to Contractor about payment issues while maintaining use of Fluxmed Platform for 10 days after reporting the payment problem.

2.2. In addition to the obligations provided for in this instrument, and in applicable legislation, the Contractor further undertakes to:

  1. Make all subscription payments on a timely basis. ;
  2. Ensure and maintain an internet connection with sufficient speed and stability to support the effective performance of the Platform.
  3. Observe the instructions  for the use of the Platform and User Manuals
  4. Do not make modifications, updates or changes to the software (Platform) without the prior written approval of the Core Consulting. Any unauthorized modification may lead to compatibility or functionality problems and result in violation of the terms of use of the software, exempting the Core Consulting of any liability.
  5. THE Contractor is prohibited from sublicensing, renting or lending the use software (Platform) to third parties.
  6. In case of instabilities, failures or any other technical problem with the software (Platform), The Contractor is obliged to open technical support tickets immediately upon becoming aware of the problem.


3.1. Limitation of Liability and Force Majeure. The Parties declare and agree that the total responsibility of Core Consulting, under any circumstance arising from or related to the object of this document, if proven, it will be limited to the nature of the economic activity of the Core Consulting and their responsibilities. For the avoidance of doubt, under no circumstances will Core Consulting will be held responsible for damages suffered by the patient from the Contractor related to the provision of health services by Contractor.

3.2.1. Force Majeure: Neither party will be responsible for failures or delays in the performance of its obligations hereunder due to force majeure events, which include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, wars, acts of terrorism, strikes, Internet failures or delays , power failures, and government interventions. In such circumstances, the deadlines for performance will be extended for a reasonable period of time, considering the duration of the force majeure event. Below are examples that exempt the core Consulting of any liability to the Contractor: (The) failures in the internet contracted by contractor: the technology company cannot be held responsible for connectivity problems that occur due to failures in the internet contracted by the Contracting Party; (B) scheduled maintenance: scheduled interruptions for maintenance or system updates, about which the Contracting Party has been previously notified; (w) natural disasters: events beyond the company's control, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods or other natural disasters that affect the infrastructure necessary for the service; (d) third-party cyber attacks: attacks by hackers or other malicious entities that are not the result of negligence on the part of Core Consulting; (It is) equipment failures      Contractor: problems caused by hardware obsolete or poorly maintained by Contractor, which affect the operation of the SaaS; (f) changes not authorized byCore Consulting     : modifications made by Contractor in the configuration or use of the platform without the consent or approval of Core Consulting; (g) conflicts of software caused by third parties: interference or incompatibilities caused by software or hardware from third parties not provided by Core Consulting; (H) known technological limitations: technological restrictions or limitations of the platform that are known and documented and about which the Contractor was informed. (i) inappropriate use of the platform: use of software in a manner contrary to the instructions provided or recommended practices established by Core Consulting; (j) force majeure: any other event beyond the reasonable control of the Core Consulting, such as strikes, riots, war, pandemics, or government interventions that prevent the continuity of services; (g) When proven that the technical problem resides in the cloud, the Core Consulting will not be responsible for events such as instability or even unavailability of the Platform.


4.1. The term of the usage subscription and the price will be made available online by the resources of Fluxmed Platform and may be adjusted throughout the technological evolution of features. Payments will be in advance. In the event of early termination of the subscription, the contracted price will prevail and no refund will be made by the Core Consulting.


5.1. Subscription may be canceled by Contractor at any time through the mechanisms offered by Fluxmed Platform.

5.2. A Core Consulting may cancel the subscription for just reason, and must notify the Contractor 10 (ten) days in advance. If misuse of the Fluxmed Platform, by the Contractor, Core Consulting will notify the Contractor and immediately suspend the subscription until corrected.


6.1. The Parties undertake to maintain the strictest confidentiality of the information provided by the other party to achieve the purpose of this Document, considered of inestimable value for both, and undertake to use it only for the specific purposes referred to in this document. hiring. The party that does not comply with this obligation will be responsible for any damages caused that may be determined in due course.

6.2. The Parties, in this act, undertake, on their behalf, their representatives, agents, employees and/or subcontractors to treat with absolute secrecy and confidentiality any and all information, economic or technical data, drawings, projects, procedures, manuals, made available by both during the term of this document, and may not, under any circumstances, reveal them to third parties and/or disclose them in any form or pretext, or use them for their own benefit or that of third parties for purposes other than those of this document, except with express written authorization from other interested parties.

6.3. The parties will adopt strict measures to protect the confidential information of the other Party to prevent it from being in any way disclosed, revealed, published, sold, assigned or in any other way transferred by the Receiving Party, its representatives, agents, employees and/or subcontractors .

6.4. A Contractor is solely responsible for the origin of the information provided by it to the  Core Consulting for the performance of the Services contracted herein and in this act expressly declares that the content of the lives base and the information contained therein and which will be provided to the  Core Consulting does not violate any law or any third party rights, including, without limitation, intellectual property rights and copyrights, exempting and indemnifying the Core Consulting, at any time, even after the expiration or termination of this document for any reason, from any liability arising from misleading or false information in the data provided to  Core Consulting.

6.4.1. A  Core Consulting is exempt from responsibility for the content of any and all information, personal, economic or technical data related to the beneficiary, made available by Contractor, which is responsible for the origin and accuracy of the information it makes available to the  Core Consulting to carry out the services covered by this instrument.

6.5. A  Core Consulting expressly undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data of the Contracting Party's members and prevent their alteration, loss and unauthorized access, given the personal nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, either from human action or the physical or electronic environment in which they are stored.

6.6. A Contractor is also aware that the medical records, guides, information sent by  Core Consulting to beneficiaries are non-shareable documents, the ownership of which belongs exclusively to the beneficiary, and Core Consulting reserves the right not to provide a copy to Contractor, under no circumstances, under penalty of violating the beneficiary's secrecy and privacy, except with unequivocal consent, in accordance with the Law.

6.7. The obligations relating to the confidentiality of technical and business information, exchanged between the Parties for the execution of this Document, will last for a period of 02 (two) years after the termination of this Document, except in the case of commercial and industrial secrets, and rights personal data of individuals, such as sensitive personal data.


7.1. Regarding the General Personal Data Protection Law (Law 13,709/2018 – LGPD), without prejudice to the other provisions set out in this instrument, the Parties declare the following:


8.1. This document is signed by entirely different people and cannot be characterized as any form of company or association, given that the Parties will not have any other type of relationship, other than that resulting from the relationship governed by this Document.

8.2. Each Party will be fully responsible for its labor, tax or civil obligations, contracted, in the absence of any form of employment relationship between the Parties, and other legal entities in any way related to this Document;

8.5. The Parties undertake to: (i) act within applicable laws and regulations and comply with the strictest and most rigorous concepts and principles of ethics, morality and good faith in the conduct of joint business, including, but not limited to, avoiding relationships, contacts and/or commercial partnerships with any agents who, by any means, are known to participate or have participated in illicit activities of any kind; (ii) possess all authorizations and licenses to operate your business as it is currently operated and maintain, during the term of this Document, all governmental or non-governmental approvals, permissions, registrations and authorizations required to achieve the objectives of this Document, without any restrictions or conditions; (iii) not promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly, payment, donation, compensation, financial or non-financial advantages or benefits of any kind to a public agent or third party related to him with the purpose of influencing any act or decision of that public agent in the exercise of his office; (iv) not carry out any actions or omissions that constitute an illegal or corrupt practice, in accordance with Law No. 12,846/2013, Decree No. 8,420/2015, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (“FCPA”), the Law against UK Bribery Act (“UK Bribery Act”), or any other applicable laws or regulations (“Anti-Corruption Laws”), even if not related to this Document.

8.6. The Parties mutually declare and guarantee, including to their suppliers of goods and services, that: (a) they carry out their activities in accordance with the current legislation applicable to them, and that they have the necessary approvals to execute this Document, and to fulfill the obligations provided for therein; (b) do not use illegal labor, and undertake not to use labor practices similar to slavery, or child labor, except for the latter as an apprentice, observing the provisions of the Consolidation of Labor Laws, whether direct or indirectly, through their respective product and service suppliers; (c) do not employ minors up to 18 years of age, including apprentice minors, in places that are detrimental to their training, physical, mental, moral and social development, as well as in dangerous or unhealthy places and services, at times that do not allow attendance at school and also at night, considering this period between 10pm and 5am; (d) do not use negative discrimination practices, which limit access to the employment relationship or its maintenance, such as, but not limited to, reasons of: sex, origin, color, physical condition, religion, marital status, age , family situation or pregnancy status; (e) undertake to protect and preserve the environment, as well as to prevent and eradicate practices that are harmful to the environment, performing their services in compliance with current legislation regarding the National Policy on the Environment, Environmental Crimes and the Policy National Solid Waste Authority, as well as legal, normative and administrative acts relating to the environmental and related areas, emanating from the Federal, State and Municipal spheres.

8.7. The Parties to this act declare that this Document will constitute an extrajudicial enforceable title and its execution may be promptly promoted if any of the parties incurs default, under the terms of article 784, item III of the Code of Civil Procedure.

8.8. All previous understandings (oral or made in any other way) related to this Document that are not incorporated in this Document are not valid and should not be considered for the purposes of its interpretation.

8.9. Any omission or tolerance by the parties in demanding faithful compliance with the terms and conditions of this Document, or in the exercise of the prerogatives arising therefrom, will not constitute novation or waiver, nor will it affect the party's right to exercise it at any time.


9.1. The legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil will govern the interpretation, validity and operation of this Document, as well as compliance with all obligations established therein. 9.2. The Parties will use their best efforts to resolve amicably and in good faith any disputes arising from the interpretation and/or fulfillment of the obligations set forth in this instrument, even after its termination or expiration. If self-composition is not possible between the Parties, within a plausible period established between them, they agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the forum of the City of Brasília/DF, expressly renouncing any other, however privileged it may be.

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